
quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2019

1774 Teatro Dos Gnomos The coprophagist part two- go and ago 27 04 2017

Tiago Ursão: Voz E Letra (Voice And Lyric). Important notice: This is a parody that has no commercial value. The instrumentals are not mine and has all rights reserved to their composers. Reproductions are forbidden to make money. Canção Instrumental Original (Original Instrumental Song): Arp 1 By jewstinator, Mix, Jersey - Chop By Joneschr002. Regnocomédia 2017: Canção que faz parte de uma série de canções que abordam temas polêmicos e bizarros terminando essa fase do projeto (2013-2017).

Teatro Dos Gnomos, The coprophagist part two- go and ago, Hip Hop Music, Mix, Vocal Music, With clear voices, Funny, Comic, Comedy,

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