
domingo, 7 de abril de 2019

947- Teatro Dos Gnomos- Bizarre Sex (Sex With Freaks) (03-10-2.013)

Important notice: This is a parody that has no commercial value. The instrumentals are not mine and has all rights reserved to their composers. Reproductions are forbidden to make money. REGNOTUBE 2.013: CANÇÃO QUE UNE OS DOIS ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS PELO PROJETO, PARAFILIAS E ABERRAÇÕES, O SEXO COM ABERRAÇÕES SEXUAIS- TIAGO URSÃO (VOZ E LETRA) E INSTRUMENTAL (STILL DA CRUNKEST BY JOE CUTLESS)

Teatro Dos Gnomos, Bizarre Sex (Sex With Freaks), Hip Hop, Crunk, Dirth South, Crunkcore, With Explicit Lyrics, And Aggressive And Extreme Vocals, 

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